SPIE    FR0012757854 - Euronext Paris 04.23.2024 | 17:35  
 Last quotation :        33.580€  Change :
 Open :
  High :
 Low :
 Change% :
 Close D-1 :
 Volume :
 Capitalization :
5,590 M€

Chart of the day  | 5 days  | 1 month  | 3 months  | 6 months  | 1 year  | 2 years  | 5 years
CAC 40    FR0003500008 - Euronext Paris On 04.23.2024 at 18:05
Last quotation 8,105.780
Change +0.81%
The last 5 days Close Change Day
04.23.2024 Tue. 33.580€ +0.06%
04.22.2024 Mon. 33.560€ -0.59%
04.19.2024 Fri. 33.760€ -0.65%
04.18.2024 Thu. 33.980€ +1.68%
04.17.2024 Wed. 33.420€ -0.48%
Historical data
Period Change High Low
Since January 1st +18.66% 35.420€ 27.320€
One year +23.09% 35.420€ 23.840€

* Stock market data provided by: Euroinvestor - Technology Partner: Symex

The SPIE share price which is refreshed every minute is provided exclusively for information and not for trading purposes. Before any transaction, please contact your broker. SPIE cannot be held responsible for inaccurate, delayed or interrupted data, regarding the share price announced on its website